I dug through forum after forum that insisted that the timeout issue was due to the Connection Timeout property, but no amount of tweaking made any difference; the query still timed out at exactly thirty seconds. I tested setting a two minute threshold of the httpRuntime in web.config, which made no difference. After some creative Googling, I discovered the existance of the CommandTimeout property, which cannot be set from the gridview. The difference between ConnectionTimeout and CommandTimeout is this:
- ConnectionTimeout = maximum time in seconds allowed to make a connection to a datasource
- CommandTimeout = maximum time in seconds allowed to complete a command (Say, a query for example)
See for details -http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand.commandtimeout.aspx
I created the following function, hooked to the OnSelecting handler of the gridview, which finally did the trick and allowed the query to complete (Granted, 5000 seconds is a lot of time and is used as an example - roughly 83 minutes - use your discretion for this value!)
<script runat="server">
protected void SqlDataSourceSelectingEventHandler(object sender, SqlDataSourceSelectingEventArgs e)
e.Command.CommandTimeout = 5000;